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Monday, June 19, 2017

Home Invasion

A few weeks ago was a day and I am not sure what day it was but it was a weekday. I was up all night before the day it happened. I was up watching TV. When I say I was up watching TV I was up watching 5 consecutive episodes of Criminal Minds.

Now, if you have ever watched Criminal Minds, you will notice that there are criminals on there. They do things like:
  • Break into people's houses and kill them
  • Kidnap people from people's houses
  • Hold people hostage in people's houses
  • Hide out in people's houses
This is important to the story because I had dreamed of such criminals within the 3.5 hours I was asleep that night.

During the summer on weekdays I wake up at 5:30 because school. My class starts at 8 but it's 40 minutes away and dad has to be at work at 7 and because I do not like to lock the gate so we leave at 6:20. That makes no sense. But this is also important to the story. 

Now, my dad is always on time. It is like clockwork. I am certain he is actually made of ticking clocks. So when he still had not emerged from his bedroom at 6:40, I was raised with concern. So I began banging on the door only to get no response. The door was locked. And it was too quiet. And time kept ticking by. 

So I did a really practical thing, called my house phone from my cell phone. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: H-hello? Dad? Are you ready to go? We are late.

Dad: Go where?

and then I hung up. Because it was not dad on the other end. IT WAS AN OLD WOMAN'S VOICE. At that moment I was sure that someone had broken into our house and killed him and was waiting on me to show myself. So I did the most practical things, like:
  • Run to my car 
  • Call the police
  • Cry
  • Call mom
  • Call maw maw
So now not only do I have the police on the phone, my mother does too. And my maw maw is now in my driveway. And I am standing there in my moose pajama pants with no shoes on. 

Sooner or later mom gets in touch with dad, whom was in the shower the entire time, and comes outside with half a toothbrush hanging out his mouth, and me standing there in my moose pajamas and says 

"Macie. Today is Saturday."

Life is strange.

PS- the number I called was not my house phone and I ended up calling a woman in Mobile. Sorry I woke you up woman in Mobile.

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