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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Paula Dean 20%

Today I woke up at 8 because I was going to wash my hair and get my life started but then the air was off and my bed was so soft so I retreated back into my sweaty slumber. It was 84 degrees inside my house. My anatomy and physiology teacher says that hyperthermia is when you get reeeealllllllyyyyy hot and I said wow. I didn't really say that but I did inside my head and this girl that sits beside me in class looked at me weird, so I assume she has the ability to read thoughts.

So at 10 I woke up and took a shower because my hair was super oily because I put coconut oil in it because I'm on accutane and my skin has ceased to produce oils.

The library is a weird place. I went there today for a gazillion years. But I would normally not ever go there unless I needed a book but today was an exception because my house was 84 degrees and I could not breathe properly. So I made my journey in to study.

It was frightening. I was completely out of my element yet at the same time in my element. The only reason I felt like a fish out of water was because two months ago I went in and asked the ladies at the front desk if they were looking for any help. They told me "we are not currently seeking any part-time employees :/" but I knew the face they made was fake because they looked like the Sanderson Sisters. All three of them. If this would have taken place in 2013 I would probably be in therapy.

I found a place to sit and this woman was sitting 15 feet away in a tacky chair with a magazine I couldn't make out. Pretty sure it was Country Living because we live in Alabama and she had that country disposition about her like Paula Dean but only like 20% Paula Dean. Is that how you spell her name. But Paula Dean 20% left 5 minutes after I sat down because she thought, "ugh, the youth". I know she thought this because her face.

Then I took out my books and I studied until 4:30 until I got a call promptly after I'd just picked up Cannery Row. I answered and out proclaimed so loudly in which the winged seraphs of heaven could hear, "WHERE ARE YOU??" and soon after I learned that a severe thunderstorm was upon me, an enemy in the most natural form, second to anthrax. Wait, is anthrax natural or man-made. I wasn't that worried though because I survived the April 27 tornadoes of 2011. Did you all know that tornadoes form from severe thunder storms. True story. My 103 year old great aunt Omie survived and her house was blown away and so was she. Someone wrote a book and she's in it.

I'm about to finish Gilmore girls. Dad says between my socks and sandals and my obsession with Gg I have "unfortunate taste". I think he has no room to talk because he thinks My Name Is Earl is one of the most revolutionary series ever made. I cannot disagree.

Shows I recommend NOT IN ORDER!!!!!!!:
  • Gilmore girls
  • The Golden Girls
  • The Fosters
  • American Horror Story (seasons 1-4 that's it)
  • The Nanny
  • Untold Stories of the ER
  • I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
  • Teen Titans 
  • Saturday Night Live
  • Criminal Minds 
  • The Office 
Movies I recommend that are NOT IN ORDER!!!!!!!!!:
  • Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
  • Warm Bodies (2013)
  • Harry Potter (2001-2011)
  • Perks Of Being A Wallflower (2012)
  • National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Stay tuned for songs and books I recommend later on. In the 30 or so minutes I've been typing this the storm passed and now I just sit. Haha get it.

Life is strange

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